Gynecomastia Surgery in Delhi | Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Delhi

May 17, 2024

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Gynecomastia is the medical name for breast enlargement in men. It occurs as a result of excessive breast tissue and is commonly seen in adult men and adolescents. It can be embarrassing and the correction involves surgical excision of the extra breast tissue. The best gynecomastia surgery in Delhi is available at The Aesculpir.

Gynecomastia is a common health issue, which prevalently occurs among men and teenagers. In this condition, the breasts of an individual start swelling, gradually becoming larger and more prominent. It usually does not lead to any other life-threatening condition, but it can definitely lower the confidence of a human being. Thus, if you are experiencing this problem, then it is advisable for you to opt for Gynecomastia surgery in Delhi. However, before you do so, let us enlighten you about the procedure in a proper manner.

What are the symptoms of gynecomastia?

The symptoms of gynecomastia include:

  • The enlargement of one or both the breasts
  • Painful breasts or nipples
  • An increase in the size of the areola as shown by the extending diameter
  • A discharge from one or both the nipples
  • Dimpling of the breast skin and around the nipple
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes of the axilla
If any of these are present, then consult a specialist who will be able to make the right diagnosis. Visit Aesculpir - one of the best cosmetic surgery clinics in Delhi where our highly skilled surgeons will suggest the right choice of correction for you.

How is gynecomastia diagnosed?

Your surgeon will ask you about your complaints, family history, medical or drug history.The doctor will examine your genitals. Your breasts will be examined to get a closer look

Apart from these examinations, certain investigations will be carried out:

  • Blood tests to determine thyroid function
  • Creatinine and liver function tests
  • Blood tests to check hormone levels- LH and testosterone (to confirm true gynecomastia and not a malignant tumor)
  • Hormone profile indicating Beta HCG, Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), and prolactin
  • Ultrasound if deemed necessary

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

As you can understand from the name, the Gynecomastia surgery in Delhi usually works on reducing the breast size of the patient. It can also help in flattening the same while amplifying their chest contours.

In a severe form of Gynecomastia, the swelling of the breast can cause it to sag, which, in turn, stretches the areola to some extent. So, if you want to get rid of it, then you can also opt for a surgical procedure. However, the Gynecomastia surgery cost in Delhi might in that case.

Reasons for gynecomastia

The development of gynecomastia may be attributed to the following causes

  • A variance in the proportion of estrogen (female hormone) and testosterone ( male hormone)
  • There are different phases in a man’s life when gynecomastia may occur:
    • At /after birth- Due to maternal estrogen influence that goes away in 2- 3 weeks
    • Around puberty- Physiological due to the hormonal surge and goes away in about six months to a couple of years after the dawn of puberty
    • During midlife and later- About a quarter of men between the ages of 55 and 75
  • Gynecomastia due to conditions such as:
    • Obesity
    • Improper nutrition
    • Liver conditions
    • Hyperthyroidism
    • Testicular cancer or cancer of the adrenal glands
    • Renal failure
  • Drug-induced gynecomastia is seen in men taking medications :
    • Athletes taking steroids to improve performance
    • Finasteride used to treat prostate enlargement
    • Digoxin, amiodarone, spironolactone, and calcium channel blockers
    • Anxiety medication such as diazepam
    • Metronidazole and ketoconazole for bacterial and fungal infections
    • Anti-epileptic medication such as phenytoin

When other treatments haven’t worked, surgical male breast reduction is performed to correct it. Gynecomastia surgery in Delhi is available at The Aesculpir clinic.

How To Identify Whether it's Chest Fat Or Gynecomastia?

Men tend to get confused between gynecomastia and chest fat as both the conditions appear similar. However, the differences between chest fat and gynecomastia are:

  • Gynecomastia is the growth of breast tissue and glands in the upper chest region of a male while chest fat is the deposit of fats in the upper chest region formed as a result of weight gain or obesity.
  • Men with gynecomastia have a hard firm lump felt below the nipple region. This lump may also get painful or sensitive when touched and for people with chest fat, the region below the nipple has no firm lump or mass. The tissues are soft and not painful. 
  • Chest fat gives the male breasts a more saggy appearance. The male breasts in gynecomastia are very firm compared to chest fat.
  • Men with enlarged breasts due to chest fat subsides with healthy diet changes and exercise routine while in male breast reduction surgery in Delhi, dietary changes and exercises bring no change to the breast size.

How to Choose a Qualified Cosmetic Surgeon for Gynecomastia?

Here are the ways you can choose a cosmetic surgeon for the best gynecomastia surgery in Delhi.

  • Check the surgeon’s credentials and experience. You can draw some of the basic information from the internet and websites or even mobile applications.
  • You can check the before and after images of people treated by the surgeon for a better indication of the treatment process. 
  • The surgeon must be trained and experienced with the latest techniques and surgical methodologies of male breast reduction surgery in Delhi.
  • Verify the experience of the clinic and check whether the clinic is well-equipped with modern infrastructure and facilities to provide the latest treatment procedures.
  • Check the patient's feedback, testimonials, and reviews about the clinic and the surgeon.
  • Know everything about the surgical procedure and the post-surgery support provided.
  • Interact with the surgeon and get the details of the surgical procedure. This helps build confidence over the chosen specialist and also verify with an alternative source.

What Are The Questions To Ask Before Gynecomastia Surgery in Delhi?

Questions you can consider asking before a gynecomastia surgery include:

  • Is the surgeon using local or general anesthesia for the procedure?
  • What are the preparations required before the surgery?
  • How is the recovery after gynecomastia surgery?
  • What are the risks associated with gynecomastia surgery?
  • Will I have post-surgery scars or wounds?
  • What will the overall cost of the surgery be?
  • Will surgery give me a permanent solution for my gynecomastia issue?

Right Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery

To be the ideal candidate for the male breast reduction surgery, you will need to tick off all the following aspects –

  • Alternative medical treatments do not have an effect on you.
  • You are a non-drug user and a non-smoker.
  • You are physically healthy and are not suffering from any terminal health issue.
  • The development of your breast has been stabilized.
  • You are not suffering from a disease that can impair the healing procedure.
  • You have a positive and specific goal in your mind about your body.

Procedure of Gynecomastia Surgery

The Gynecomastia surgery generally follows the below-mentioned steps –

  • Anesthesia: A special form of medication will be administered to the patient for their comfort during the surgery. The doctor, in this aspect, will choose between two options-general anesthesia and intravenous sedation.
  • Liposuction: After implementing the anesthesia, the surgeon will proceed with the liposuction procedure. He/she will commence the same by making a small incision on the chest of the patient. After that, they will insert a cannula through it and move it in a back and forth shift to loosen the fat in the area. Once it is done, the liquefied fatty substances will be removed through vacuum suction.
  • Stitching: After the excessive fat is removed, the doctor will stitch the skin of the patient's chest and apply antibiotics to it.

Recovery after Gynecomastia Surgery

Initially, after undergoing male breast reduction surgery in Delhi, you might need around one to two weeks to recover. During this period, you will need to stop doing the heavy work and focus on following a healthy diet plan.

Depending on your condition, the doctor might also suggest you to avoid driving, as the jerking might cause complications. Be sure not to indulge in any exercise during this period at all. But, you can go on a walk if needed.

Precautions before and after surgery

Before the surgery

  • Nicotine may delay wound healing, so abstain from smoking from about four weeks prior to the surgery 
  • Take a look at gynecomastia surgery before and after pictures to gain a realistic expectation
  • If you are taking blood-thinning drugs, stop them as per the doctor’s instructions
  • If you fall sick before the surgery, keep your surgeon informed

After the surgery

  • Learn from the doctor about taking care of the wound, take antibiotics and other medications as prescribed.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Do not drive for about 24 hours after the surgery
  • Refrain from itching the wound
  • Loose-fitting buttoned clothes are better during recovery
  • Take a break from strenuous work for up to two weeks following surgery
  • Eat a light and healthy diet during recovery
  • Use cold compresses to relieve the pain in the chest

To avoid recurrence, practice a healthy lifestyle, and avoid obesity even after the surgery.

Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery In Delhi

Surgery for gynecomastia in Delhi provides several advantages. But the main advantage is that it is less expensive than other cities. In addition, Delhi has a large number of skilled cosmetic surgeons. As a result, patients do not experience a decrease in healthcare quality and cost-effectiveness. However, gynecomastia surgery cost in India may vary according to the doctor's training and the facility.

Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Delhi

Gynecomastia surgery is customized to each patient's needs. Gynecomastia surgery cost in Delhi averages at Rs. 1,20,00 and goES up from there, adding additional fees.

The extent of the required surgical correction, the estimated length of the treatment, if any procedures will be combined, and the type of anesthesia you select can all affect the surgery cost.

Why Choose The Aesculpir for Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Delhi?

The Aesculpir specializes in providing high-quality, natural-looking gynecomastia surgery results using cutting-edge surgical methods. Our plastic surgeons have extensive experience treating various types of gynecomastia. The clinic offers top-notch Gynecomastia Surgery in Delhi and has the most advanced equipment, methods, and technology.

The Aesculpir clinic ensures that the surgery gives the patients the right and desired results while maintaining the patient's comfort and privacy. We create connections, and our top goals are your security and comfort.


Swelling takes about a few weeks to subside. However, the redraping of skin depends upon the elasticity of the skin to retract back, which may take a few months, hence the final result is visible in a year.

For best gynecomastia surgery Contact Aesculpir today!

Before & After Gynaecomastia Correction

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1. Is it worthwhile to have gynecomastia surgery in Delhi?

Gynecomastia surgery in Delhi is a highly effective procedure to produce a more contoured and flat male chest when carried out by an experienced gynecomastia surgeon. Men frequently describe a gain in self-confidence that enables them to dress however they choose, including in tight T-shirts. Gynecomastia surgery is considered an excellent option for males whose breasts have significantly enlarged and who have male gynecomastia.

2. What factors affect the gynecomastia surgery cost in Delhi?

Gynecomastia surgery in Delhi is a cosmetic procedure necessitating the expertise of specialized doctors. Gynecomastia surgery cost in Delhi greatly depends on how extensive the operation is required. Patients may discover price differences at the same practice. The main areas of attention where the cost of the procedure counts are as follows:-

The location—depending on the cost of living in different areas, the location may reflect the overall cost of the procedure.

The cosmetic surgeon's fee significantly influences the cost of cosmetic surgery. Surgeons are highly competent professionals with varying levels of expertise. The fees increase with experience and qualification.

The type of operation and how much it is required both play a significant role in deciding the cost of gynecomastia surgery.

3. How do I know if gynecomastia surgery in Delhi is right for me?

A face-to-face consultation with a qualified consultant plastic surgeon at the Clinic or hospital of your choice for male breast reduction surgery in Delhi is the best way to establish your candidacy for gynecomastia surgery in Delhi. Potential patients are encouraged to be in good physical and mental health, be at or close to their optimal body weight, and have chest-related extra breast tissue, fat, or loose skin. The minimum age for patients to consider gynecomastia surgery is after you attain puberty. This is because gynecomastia can still develop before this time due to hormonal disruptions brought on by puberty.

4. Can having a Gynecomastia surgery in Delhi have any side effects?

Getting Gynecomastia surgery in Delhi is generally very safe, and most patients recover without any problems. Swelling is a common post-operative side-effect after gynecomastia surgery and is commonly reported during recovery. However, Complications can happen even when the patient and surgeon pay the utmost attention to safety. Some common consequences include bleeding, fluid collections, bruising, nipple skin loss, uneven contours, noticeable scars, numbness of the nipples, loose breast skin, inverted nipples, and asymmetries. Good outcomes after male breast reduction surgery in Delhi depend on careful surgical technique and pre-, peri-, and postoperative management.

5. Will Gynecomastia surgery in Delhi give me a natural-looking chest later?

Results of gynecomastia surgery in Delhi are evident right away. Post-operative Incision lines and swelling will gradually diminish over time. As you recuperate following your male breast reduction surgery in Delhi, your level of satisfaction with your new appearance should increase.

Male breast reduction surgery always aims for a natural appearance and a masculine chest contour. Since all males have some breast gland tissue, only the excess breast tissue is removed. Additional tissue removal might significantly impact the chest outlines and produce an unnatural-looking result. Male breast reduction surgery outcomes produced by an experienced plastic surgeon are frequently quite symmetrical and natural-looking.

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